Kamis, 06 September 2012


ritual glittering which you serve
in a baking dish of the world
not means how much crucial
to guess the meaning of the day
jump from one line
to another line
restore white – black
even hunt disastrous
sculptured soul incarnated wadag
the spirits imagining

sat down elegant
on a throne of honor of the gods
recite the choice breaths
be wrapped in blood
hio burst by flavor stab sudra
float leaden sky
then release in the float
endless ocean

vague, your face was transformed fog
vessel pierced greedy
glimpse of destiny is already anchored
in both your eyes
and finally your mystical trip
vanished, is stretched lives.

Post DSI (Ketapang), 02/13/2012
postingan di wall FB-ku pada tgl.31/08/2012
oleh: Wahyu yudi

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